Month: March 2020

AMA Bersama Adi Hasarli | March 25, 2020 (Indonesia)

Pada sesi ask-me-anything dengan COO NPCoin, Adi Hasarli (Adi), dia menjawab pertanyaan tentang beberapa topik tentang NPCoin. Ferry : Salam hormat buat semua teman, terima kasih karna bersama saya pada hari ini. Nama saya Ferry Surya. Saya akan menjadi Host Anda untuk acara kali ini. Mari kita sambut Bapak Adi Hasarli, Kepala Operasional NPCoin untuk…
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AMA With Adi Hasarli | March 25, 2020 (English)

On the 1st ask-me-anything session with NPCoin COO Adi Hasarli (Adi), he responded to questions about some topics regarding NPCoin. Read the full AMA text below. (This AMA has been edited and condensed for clarity.) Ferry : Dear all friends,thank you for being here with me today. My name is Ferry Surya. I will be…
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AMA NPCOINDate 25 March 2020 AMA SEGMENT 1 Moderator will ask a few questions to Mr. Adi. AMA SEGMENT 2Participants are ALLOWED to ask ONE QUESTION to the NPCoin Team using this form – You can start filling the form now. Please give your best question. 15 best questions will be chosen for answers…
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