AMA With Adi Hasarli | March 25, 2020 (English)

On the 1st ask-me-anything session with NPCoin COO Adi Hasarli (Adi), he responded to questions about some topics regarding NPCoin.
Read the full AMA text below. (This AMA has been edited and condensed for clarity.)
Ferry : Dear all friends,thank you for being here with me today. My name is Ferry Surya. I will be your host for this event. Let’s welcome Mr. Adi Hasarli, the Chief Operating Officer of NPCoin to introduce to us about NPCoin.
Adi : Thank you Ferry. Good evening everybody.
Ferry : We have many new users here online today,can you introduce NPcoin Project to our community and new friends?
Adi : NPCoin (NPC) is an digital asset, it was created in 2017, serving as a utility coin for daily usage, especially for the South East Asia Region. NPCoin was listed on Coingecko since early 2018, and on Coinmarketcap since July 2019.
Ferry: From which country is the NPCoin biggest community?
Adi : Most NPCoin users are from Indonesia and Malaysia. But NPCoin also has fans in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Brunei and including from some European countries. They love to trade NPCoin in BTC-Alpha Exchange.
Ferry : What is the issuing volume of NPCoin now and what is the issuing mechanism?
Adi : Total Supply : 150M NPC (No more NPCoin will be issued after 150M)
PoW Pre-mined Quantity : 150M NPC
Thereafter running on PoS for coin validation and mechanism consensus.
Coins Distribution via 2 method:
Eco-Minting Project – 45M NPC maximum (reached maximum quota and minting processor is now closed)
Staking Program
As stated in Coinmarketcap today, we have 72,457,335 NPC in the circulating (48.3% from Total Supply)
However, there is only around 15M NPC in real circulating (in BTC-Alpha, Crex24, wallets, community programs)
the balance are still locked in the NPCoinMintingPool (still waiting to be released from minting processor upon time maturity), some are locked in staking wallet to earn staking interest, some store in Wallet4U for peer Storage and daily usage, and some in the cold wallet storage.
Ferry: Can I mine NPCoin and how much profit will I get if I mine it?
Adi : As mentioned before, NPCoin has been premined 100%, to safeguard from mining power attacks. The eco-system in NPCoin is then being maintained by PoS method.
The minting processor for NPCoin has also reached the maximum quota of 45M, now you can only earn new coins via staking program.
The NPC staking is available in, the minimum amount to stake is only 500 NPCoin.
Please watch this video, i will ask 5 question later, the answer is in this video.
(Play Staking Video)
Ferry: What is the staking benefits?
Adi : For 30 Days Staking Contract – 2% annually
For 60 Days Staking Contract – 2.5% annually
For 90 Days Staking Contract – 3% annually
For 180 Days Staking Contract – 5% annually
Ferry: What is the appreciation of NPCoin in future?
Adi : As generally known by most of us, price of a cryptocoin is depending on the Demand and Supply and its eco-system. NPCoin has actual community users of NPC who uses it for daily utility usage, trader holders who trade NPC for BTC/ETH/USDT, and hodlers who hold NPC for value appreciation. NPCoin also have proven Ready to use Eco-System, like NPPay.
Hence, the more staking of NPC, the demand to buy will increased but the active circulating will remain the same, caused coins are being staked and locked in wallet. Thus balancing power of supply and demand will have pushing power and supporting impact to the price appreciation of NPC.
Ferry : Thank you for answering my questions. We continue with the next session, questions from the audience.
Segment 2 – Q&A
1) From @Suvo6622 : What is NPCoin?
Adi : NPCoin (NPC) is an digital asset, it was created in 2017, serving as a utility coin for daily usage, especially for the South East Asia Region.
NPCoin was listed on Coingecko since early 2018, and on Coinmarketcap since July 2019.
2) From @Luckzou_co : How NPCs handle more and more Cryptocurrency is emerging, so that NPC remain more attractive to investors who are increasingly confident of NPC?
3) From @dhykxy : How does NPCoin evaluate the of the user community? In the near future, does NPC have any special plans to attract and expand the Community?
4) From @ridhosetyawan : I am very happy with NPCoin. Therefore, does the NPCoin get a stable market that’s high? And is it possible to invest in the long run sir? Thank you for the answer.
Adi : Yes, you are right, Cryptocurrency is so emerging and started earning more and more recognition all around the world. We in NPCoin of course is delighted to see the growing of the crypto world and we are strong believer of crypto as a workable payment medium.
NPCoin started in 2017 and is now entering into year 3 since its inception. Since day 1, NPCoin always emphasize on building its real community, or we call it ground community. Our Cryptoprenuer team will go on site to provide explanation on what is NPCoin and guide thru the hands-on practice to peer on how to use the wallet and eco system of NPCoin. NPCoin already gather more than 30,000 peer members in Malaysia and Indonesia region only.
NPCoin distintive advantage are Communities, Eco System and Education System
Communities – We have ground communities who earn and use NPC for income and daily utilities payment, we have hodlers who stake and wait for price appreciation, as well as traders who trade NPCoin for profits in exchanges. NPCoin communities are diversified and thus more stable, as compared to other coin that is solely based on trading.
Eco System – the eco-system and payment gateway of NPC is READY TO USE, NOT coming soon. Communities of NPC has no worries to use NPC in real life than only rely on trading, and wait for the promised eco system to be ready.
Education – Our cryptoprenuer team is ongoing exploring the markets to introduce NPCoin to ground communities. Information updates and crypto knowledge are passing on to the interest hodlers constantly via its education system and NP Academy.
5) From @mrstuti : What is NP Pay How to use NP Pay? What offers can we buy using NP Pay. Which platforms support payment Utility using NPCoin? For the future, what plans and goal do you want to make about the NPCoin project?
6) From @Cryptoz22 : What the NPCoin project is currently developing?
7) From @Wahyujatilelono : What is the purpose of NPCoin for the future? And what should be developed for NPCoin in the future?
Adi : NPpay is a utility payment service website using NPCoin as the payment medium.
In this early phase, NPpay can already be used for the payment of bills and utilities in Malaysia and Indonesia. This is because these two countries are where NPCoin begins. NPpay welcomes more service providers who would like to use NPCoin as payment medium to joint forces in our NPpay platform.
Project in the pipelines of NPCoin include NPtravel platform, whereby NPCoin can be used to book airline tickets and for hotel reservation globally.
8) From @Adella33 : In my opinion the betting program on wallet4u for minimum bet is too large, therefore not everyone can make or participate in betting programs. My question is what are the advantages and benefits of me or everyone if I do staking on wallet4u? and what are your plans for npcoin going forward to see the current unfavorable market conditions?
Adi : Thanks for the question. First of all, we would like to clarify that there is no betting program in wallet4u, what we offer is staking program.
Staking NPCoin will give you rewards upto 5% of your principle coins staked in accordance to the chosen package.
To make it simple, staking NPCoin worked just as the way of fixed deposit, you stake your coin for eco-staking in wallet4u and you will be rewarded with more coins. To make it more interesting and liquid, only the principle coins staked will be locked for the chosen duration, the rewards coins can be used immediately after 30days of staking activation on prorate basis.
The minimum amount for you to start staking is only 500 NPCoin, which is only about $ 15 @ IDR 245 thousand now.
In addition, you can benefit more by invite friends to stake using your Wallet4U referral link, you will be rewarded with Referral Incentive. To qualify for a Referral Incentive, you need to stake a minimum of 2,000 NPCs or around $ 60 or IDR 970,000.
Part 3 question will be answer separately.
9) From @MDanielMusaHi : Adi, It is interesting pay 5% per annum to its staker. If more people staking, the price will go up. My question is where the coin come from and any chance it will increase? Also the affiliate commission can increase a bit? Thank You.
Adi : As stated in the White Paper, from the 150 million NPCoin supplies, 45 million NPC are from the early-stage community doing Eco-mining called Minting. A total of 5 million NPC was provided as a reward for them. Another 22.5 million NPC for operations and marketing.
The remaining 77.5 million NPC are reserved for Staking Rewards. The sooner you start saving and staking, the more rewards you’ll get.
10) From @santuy_enjoy : You certainly know that in the world today the economic crisis is caused by the Covid-19 virus, and that also affects the crypto market. My question : how and in what ways, you will stabilize the price of NPCOIN, so that investors continue to believe in your project, and can also attract other investors? Thanks.
11) From @darmawannesia : What and how will NPC convince investors to come? Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.
12) From @jaja509 : If most cryptocurrency currencies experience severe price reductions like what has happened lately, what will the NPCoin team do to make an effort to keep NPC prices stable and not harm holders / stakers?
13) From @Amr2246 : What are NPCoin plans for the future to increase prices or at least stabilize prices? Thank you.
Adi : As the world is experiencing economic disaster by the uncertainty and catastrophe of the Covid-19, most people will pull hand break and to wait and see. Not only crypto, oil, gold, and many commodity, or real estate, are affected and dropped. However, since more people are encouraged to stay at home during this interim period, more focus are paying to crypto now than ever before.
As an individual person or investor, I myself cannot stabilize NPCoin prices. Every crypto is supported by the holders. if we look back to the highest prices of Bitcoin or Ethereum in 2017/18, until today we still have not climb back to those high prices yet. But everyone still believes and strives and try, because of their belief in the technology and their potential. Most of us are confident that we will reach our goal in the future, it doesn’t matter how long it will takes.
For NPCoin, as a long term project, we are fortunate to have a strong community, as well as we have dedicated Creator/Founder and management team to share the knowledge of NPCoin to the public. Many meeting events and NP Academy are held throughout Southeast Asia. We never stop, because we also believe and confident of what we do, and we will reach our goal in the near future. We are confident that anyone who heard/learn/understand about NPCoin and it’s potential will make NPCoin as their preferred investment for their future.
14) From @SurajDa53673519 : When it’s will be listed on some new exchange? When its value will be increase?
15) From @Rifki55 : Does the npc have a target price, and in the future will it make its own exchanges, and what future programs?
Adi : Our option for more Exchanges to list NPCoin is always open. We will monitor from time to time to add in new exchange and more markets for NPCoin. However, in order to perserve decentralization, we will not develop our own exchange.
We believe that crypto pricing is determined by supply and demand. We always work to increase market demands, and we believe that the future pricing of NPCoin is definately promising.
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