Author: WebMaster

Why are NPCoin’s demand and prices soaring?

Over the past two weeks, prices and demand for NPCoin have begun to rise sharply. Some of the reasons is : NPCoin has actual community users of NPC who uses it for daily utility usage, trader holders who trade NPC for BTC/ETH/USDT, and hodlers who hold NPC for value appreciation. NPCoin also have proven Ready…
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Wallet4U Upgrading

Dear Valued Users, Kindly be informed that will be undergone major system upgrading starting from 6th June 2020, expected duration of 7 days. There will be system and functions disruption during this period. Sorry for inconvenience caused. Thank you. Regards. Wallet4u Support

NpMintingPool Update

Dear Valued Members, Kindly be informed that has exceeded 5,000,000 transaction records to-date, and is currently undergoing system synchronization process. After synchronize, all your previous transaction history records will be consolidated and summarized into 1 lump sum total, no more past history detail transaction will be listed. However, all your future transaction will remain…
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AMA Bersama Adi Hasarli | March 25, 2020 (Indonesia)

Pada sesi ask-me-anything dengan COO NPCoin, Adi Hasarli (Adi), dia menjawab pertanyaan tentang beberapa topik tentang NPCoin. Ferry : Salam hormat buat semua teman, terima kasih karna bersama saya pada hari ini. Nama saya Ferry Surya. Saya akan menjadi Host Anda untuk acara kali ini. Mari kita sambut Bapak Adi Hasarli, Kepala Operasional NPCoin untuk…
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AMA With Adi Hasarli | March 25, 2020 (English)

On the 1st ask-me-anything session with NPCoin COO Adi Hasarli (Adi), he responded to questions about some topics regarding NPCoin. Read the full AMA text below. (This AMA has been edited and condensed for clarity.) Ferry : Dear all friends,thank you for being here with me today. My name is Ferry Surya. I will be…
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AMA NPCOINDate 25 March 2020 AMA SEGMENT 1 Moderator will ask a few questions to Mr. Adi. AMA SEGMENT 2Participants are ALLOWED to ask ONE QUESTION to the NPCoin Team using this form – You can start filling the form now. Please give your best question. 15 best questions will be chosen for answers…
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NPCoin Social Media Group Referral Contest

Congratulations to all winners!Top 10 Winner1)@aguslehor542)@magdy2018883)@Luckzou_co4)@amora6695)@kintanaa6)@cryptomazta7)@MOYNOL8)@rahmancrypto9)@LASupport10)@ojasbirds Lucky Winners@haile991@Trade_indo@putu45@Jibonkhann@quochiep87@Sandi_Arif83@Kiro07mg@wynekin@arisandy997@Azizalbiansyah@nanangwicaksono@Amp0987@crypto199777@Hanatitut@Scec57@RicoHut@Nugrahapermana70@yu_gokil@hirensoni@rao8553@cryptostarzero@sumon192@RogerioHeirs@Andi3005@SurajDa53673519@Astanakz959@pk0181411@goesananta@wea_n91@ngoctaidh@murtalajamil@khambuy@irfannakir@Sojeeb09@khalilmuza@Kapten123@chiezthea@Ezejol@Pranta2020@Dinesh1324@mohamed1259@arafin43@Ratan333@coldsphire2277@sonyadriko@plentino@GEChain_Token@pekoki@future79@abdulkadermarrawi@ombob_231@shaha3972@FiDevita@sjackies@bilalkhalif1@Basartea@Qua_den_Tr@javed9@Awhyscoot@ichaaa30@umarkasma@Asaduzzaman5@AlexGudvins@AdDzulky@Dikril@Dyco05@rabbitsec@leesina@Bayuoey02@Oidungxoa@rendy3609@karpal84@Aslikopisusu@Lalaland2144@Prengky55@Suhriyantoo@Tuannguyen7896@biticon@pujvala@glasdtone@ayeeeemuak@Maher2017@Helmi76@Dederz@Ariska_96@sharezaptr@sakil20@prim21@kaysmile@whydhunters@HermioneGryffindor@EricDDavis@andivalia@Godd6@Bambang14@Fannyanisa@moch_mozzan@Er_erlanda@maxim4646@Mukit234@halik5555@Sir222@xuaanlinh@watchit1@SahibSarkarJames530@Anatoly274@ora786@sulken@Herilismail@hoanghy123@liyuukoi@murderrat@ssharkar7@seref2@LilyPoidevin01@DeathCreppy@lamboengsue@Fahim0011@Dicky123@anas2256@ram0177@coolnice0406@mdrayhaan@rabisingh228@vickyakbarn@Aximoo@ekokasdiyanisaputro@Andi2789@Bbijoy@hyungn1m@shohag20@Irvanhadi12@pumlatum@Donghoang614@arslanerahmet@kousikofficial@shamarkhan1@lionfisher22@Andy267@Luuvo@anaklampir@cucurlah@uygure@Aprendercoinbtc@RavenStill456@mijan1212@julince@AMBEDKARRR@Mha_Mhoed@privch@azc2982@goldi0123@dirlap@Nconha55@Kyewalabye@kimicba@Michel04@Protrade5@BDI010@nguynn25@dmgmvx@ridwan_123@saterlee@amirulhuda94@Wanbi2694@Pangerandiponegoro@thererat@Abdur1 If you are not in the list, do not be dissapointed. There is more excitements and events will follow in future. Photo Sources : Coingecko Data

Referral Contest Update

Congratulation to All for doing a great job! The members participation has exceeded 10,000 in less than 24 hours! We are delighted to inform that the contest is still ongoing and more prizes are being added to cheer the crowd. Added prizes are: 4th prizes: 500 NPC5th prizes : 200 NPC6th prizes : 100 NPC7th…
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NPCoin Group Referral Contest

We are now launching NPC Group Referral Contest for user who refers most member to NPCoin Official Group @npcoin_official Telegram group. 🥇 3000 NPCoin x 1 (Worth approx. $350 value) 🥈 2000 NPCoin x 1(Worth approx. $230 value) 🥉 1000 NPCoin x 1(Worth approx. $150 value) & 100 NPCoin x 200 Lucky Members(randomly pick by…
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Wallet4U Staking Contest Result

All Contest Staking Amount : 1,845,693 NPC ☞ G.Prize: 200,000 NPC HqneDaNJoUtbf51huwCjEV7pUvAQCXzyS7Reward 30,000 NPC ☞ 1st Place: 150,000 NPC HkJc33kwp1VuQPR23fA4Pr1qJZFTVas6apReward 15,000 NPC ☞ 2nd Place: 70000 NPC Ht2rrw1AmQ4e4ELegoEjiyZEtb5ep8kwk4Reward 10,000 NPC ☞ 3rd Place: 65,578 NPC Hk8HPRFFqDhhQ9Y1xaeJdMr9Lx6cgxZCNaReward 7,000 NPC ☞ 4th Place: 50,000 NPC HdRcMGNSMH1C7XSW4MZTciqohXHiZqCV8vReward 5,000 NPC ☞ 5th Place: 31,990 NPC Hbq1wYnbDSHUM3PbdGWRbDMF7wuYww3thtReward 3,000 NPC ☞…
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